Original is available for sale.
TO PURCHASE: Email Lynnette.
Price: $3600. Shipping Available
Artwork Dimensions: 40 x 30 inches
Medium: ink and acrylic on wood panel.
Year Created: 2020
Description: This painting features phoenixes (both "real" and painted) as well as both "real" and painted butterflies and botanicals. It juxtaposes what is real with what is imagined. Phoenixes represent rebirth and transformation, as do butterflies. They are symbolic of new life, while flowers are symbols of abundance, beauty, and creation. Taken as a whole this is what I consider to be a powerful creation painting - a totem of creativity and transformation, as well as joy.
Fun Fact: Artist Lynnette Shelley's painting "From Feathers to Flame and Birth to Bloom" was one of seven artworks by Mongtomery County, PA, artists that were reproduced for an Arts Wall in the King of Prussia Mall in King of Prussia, PA. This wall mural was displayed from late October 2021 through January 2022. For more information on this public arts project, click here.
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Please note: Shipping costs are NOT included in this price. Please email Lynnette to finalize shipping, delivery or free studio pickup plans.
ARTIST COPYRIGHT: All works of art within this web site are protected under U.S. copyright laws and international conventions. No portion of the artist's works or statements may be used, downloaded, reproduced using any means, copied or transferred electronically, without prior written permission from the artist.